Creatives, You Could Be Missing Out On $$$!

Creatives, You Could Be Missing Out On $$$!
Creatives, You Could Be Missing Out On $$$!

Music not properly registered? Have incorrect metadata? Music catalog not in order? All of these issues can lead to unclaimed royalties and creatives not receiving the money they are owed!

As a full-service music administrative agency we offer extensive publishing royalty collection services, catalog management, copyrighting and more. This way creatives can focus on their music and know that their business is in good hands.

We work hard to research, identify and match unclaimed royalties to ensure you get paid what you are owed!

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About Us

The Mezzo Agency LLC is a global music administrative services provider founded in 2018. We offer our clients all core services involved in the release, protection and publishing of music, such as copyright registration, catalog management, licensing, royalty distribution and more.

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