

360 Deal

Administration Deal

Album Cycle

Artist Site

Back Catalogue

Black Box

Blanket Licenses

Business Manager


Compilation Album




Demo Deal

Distribution Agreement

Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Digital Service Provider


Dynamic Range




First Use

Gold Album


Interactive Streaming

Joint Recording

Label Deal




Mechanical License

Mechanical Royalties

Micro Sync Royalties


Music Supervisor

Non-interactive Streaming

Performance Royalties

Performing Rights Society (PRO)


Physical Records


Platinum Album


Print License


Producer Agreement



Publishing Agreement


Recording Costs

Record Label







Sheet Music


Song Catalog


Sound Recording

Split Sheet

Subscription Services

Synchronization License


360 Deal

A 360 deal is a type of contract in the music industry where an artist agrees to give a portion of their earnings from various sources, like album sales, concerts, and merchandise, to a record label or management company in exchange for support and promotion. Essentially, it means the artist shares a slice of their profits with the company in return for their help in advancing their career.

Administration Deal

An Administration Deal in the music industry is a contract where a music publisher helps manage an artist’s songs and ensures they are properly licensed, distributed, and collect royalties on behalf of the artist.

Album Cycle

An Album Cycle is a series of stages that a musician goes through when releasing a new album. It typically includes writing and recording the songs, promoting the album through singles and music videos, going on tours and interviews, and eventually winding down before starting the process again for the next album.

Artist Site

An Artist Site is like your online home, where you can showcase your work, share information about yourself, connect with fans, and host social media links, biography, music, images, and more, all in an easy-to-navigate space. It acts as an online hub where visitors can explore and learn more about their favorite artist, listen to music, watch videos, and stay updated on the latest news and events.

Back Catalogue

A Back Catalogue refers to all the music or content an artist or band has released in the past, like their previous albums, singles, and music videos.

Black Box

In the music industry, a Black Box refers to the unallocated or undistributed royalties collected for artists’ performances but not yet paid out to them.

Blanket Licenses

Blanket Licenses are agreements that allow music users, such as businesses or venues, to play an unlimited amount of music from a large collection without needing to obtain individual licenses for each song.

Business Manager

A Business Manager is someone who helps artists or musicians handle their finances, contracts, and day-to-day business matters so they can focus on their creative work. They act like a responsible helper who takes care of the money and paperwork, allowing the artist to concentrate on making great music and art.


A Catalog, in the music industry, refers to the complete collection of songs and music recordings by a particular artist, band, or record label.

Compilation Album

A Compilation Album is a special collection of various songs from different artists or bands, usually grouped around a specific theme or genre.


Free tickets offered for an artist’s concert.


Copyright is a legal protection that gives artists, musicians, writers, and other creators the exclusive right to control and use their original works, like music, books, and artwork.


In the music world, a Cover is a new version of a song recorded and performed by an artist who did not originally write or record it.


In the music industry, Delivery refers to the process of getting music or content to a distributor, streaming platform, or audience.

Demo Deal

A Demo Deal in the music industry is an agreement between an artist and a record label where the artist is given the chance to record a few demo songs for the label to consider for a potential record deal.

Distribution Agreement

A Distribution Agreement in the music industry is a contract between an artist or record label and a distribution company that outlines how the music will be distributed and made available to the public, like on streaming platforms and in stores.

Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA)

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a law that helps protect the rights of creators and copyright holders on the internet. It sets rules for online platforms and service providers to remove or disable access to copyrighted content that is shared without permission, making sure creators’ work is respected and properly used online.

Digital Service Provider

A Digital Service Provider (DSP) is a company or platform that offers digital content, such as music, movies, or games, for streaming or downloading on the internet.


Downloads, in the context of the internet and music, are files that you can get from the internet onto your computer or device. When you download music, you are saving the songs onto your device so you can listen to them anytime, even without an internet connection.

Dynamic Range

Dynamic Range, in music, refers to the difference in volume between the quietest and loudest parts of a song or recording. When a song has a wide dynamic range, it means it has both soft and loud moments, creating a more expressive and exciting listening experience.


EP stands for “Extended Play” in the music world. It’s a shorter collection of songs than a full album, usually featuring around 3 to 6 tracks, giving artists a chance to share new music and showcase their talent without releasing a full-length album.


EPK stands for “Electronic Press Kit.” It’s like a digital portfolio that musicians and artists create to show off their talent, including their music, videos, photos, and information about themselves, making it easier for media, venues, and industry professionals to learn more about them and consider collaborations.


Freemium is a business model used in apps or services where a basic version of the product is offered for free, but additional features or content require payment.

First Use

First Use, in the context of copyrights and trademarks, refers to the act of using a creative work or a brand name for the first time in commerce.

Gold Album

A Gold Album is a special achievement in the music industry when an artist’s album sells a certain number of copies.


HFA stands for “Harry Fox Agency,” which is a company that provides services to music publishers and songwriters, helping them manage licenses and royalties for the use of their songs.

Interactive Streaming

Interactive streaming refers to online music services where users have the freedom to choose specific songs, albums, or playlists to play on-demand.

Joint Recording

Joint Recording, in the music industry, refers to a collaborative effort where two or more artists work together to create and record a song or an entire album.

Label Deal

A Label Deal, in the music industry, is an agreement between a musician or band and a record label. The record label provides financial and promotional support to the artist, and in return, the artist grants the label the right to release, distribute, and promote their music.


A Licensee is a person or company that is granted the right to use someone else’s creative work, such as music, artwork, or software, under specific terms and conditions.


A Licensor is a person or entity that owns the rights to a creative work, such as music, artwork, or software, and grants permission to others (licensees) to use that work under certain conditions and terms.


Masters refer to the original recordings of songs that artists or bands create in the recording studio.

Mechanical License

A Mechanical License is a legal permission to reproduce and distribute a song’s audio recording, typically for physical or digital music sales, streaming, or other mechanical uses.

Mechanical Royalties

Mechanical royalties are payments earned by songwriters and copyright holders when their music is reproduced and distributed, such as through physical sales, digital downloads, or interactive streaming services.

Micro Sync Royalties

Micro Sync Royalties are tiny amounts of money earned by creators when their music is used in short audiovisual content, like user-generated videos on platforms like TikTok or YouTube.


MLC stands for “Mechanical Licensing Collective.” It’s an organization that helps songwriters and music publishers manage and collect mechanical royalties from digital music streaming services on their behalf.

Music Supervisor

A Music Supervisor is someone who is responsible for choosing and licensing music for movies, TV shows, commercials, and other media projects.

Non-interactive Streaming

Non-interactive streaming refers to online music services where users can’t specifically choose which songs to play next, but they can choose a genre, mood, or artist, and the service generates a playlist for them.

Performance Royalties

Performance royalties are payments earned by songwriters, composers, and publishers when their music is publicly performed or broadcast, such as on radio, TV, live performances, or streaming services.

Performing Rights Society (PRO)

A Performing Rights Society (PRO) is an organization that represents songwriters, composers, and music publishers. They ensure that these creators are properly compensated when their music is performed in public places like on TV, radio, concerts, and streaming platforms.


Phonorecords are physical or digital copies of recorded music, such as CDs, vinyl records, or digital downloads.

Physical Records

Physical records, also known as physical media or physical formats, refer to tangible copies of music, such as CDs, vinyl records, cassette tapes, or DVDs.


Placement refers to getting a song or piece of music included in a movie, TV show, commercial, or other media project.

Platinum Album

A Platinum Album is a prestigious recognition in the music industry given to an artist or band when their album sells a large number of copies.


PPD stands for “Published Price to Dealer.” It refers to the wholesale price at which a record label sells albums to retailers or distributors.

A Print License is a legal agreement that grants permission to reproduce and distribute printed copies of creative works, such as sheet music, books, or artwork.


A Producer in the music industry is a person who oversees and manages the recording process of a song or an entire album. They work closely with the artists and musicians, help shape the sound and direction of the music, and ensure that the final recording is of high quality.

Producer Agreement

A Producer Agreement is a contract between a music producer and an artist or record label that outlines the terms of their collaboration. It defines the producer’s responsibilities, compensation, ownership rights, and other important details related to the production of the music.


A Promoter, in the music industry, is a person or company responsible for organizing and marketing live music events, such as concerts and shows. They work to attract audiences, book artists or bands, secure venues, and handle logistics to make the event a success.


A Publisher, in the music industry, is a company that helps songwriters and composers manage their music rights, collect royalties, and promote their songs to be recorded and performed by artists. They play a crucial role in getting music heard and ensuring that songwriters receive compensation for their work.

Publishing Agreement

A Publishing Agreement is a contract between a songwriter or composer and a music publisher that outlines the terms of their collaboration. It typically includes details about the publisher’s rights to promote, distribute, and collect royalties on the songwriter’s music, as well as the compensation the songwriter will receive for their work.


Record refers to a physical or digital copy of a song or an album.

Recording Costs

Recording costs are the expenses incurred during the process of creating and producing music recordings. These costs can include studio time, hiring musicians and engineers, renting equipment, mixing and mastering, and other expenses related to the production of the recording.

Record Label

A Record Label is a company that discovers, signs, and promotes musical artists or bands. They help with the production, distribution, and marketing of music recordings, helping artists reach a wider audience and achieve success.


Recoupment refers to the process where an artist or band pays back expenses that a record label or other entity has invested in their music career, such as recording costs or promotional expenses.


Reserves refer to a portion of an artist’s earnings that a record label holds back for a certain period to cover potential future expenses or returns. These can include things like unrecouped advances or potential refunds to retailers.


Returns refer to unsold music merchandise or physical copies of albums that are sent back by retailers to the record label or distributor. These returns might happen if the items didn’t sell as expected.


Ringtones are short musical snippets or sound clips that play when someone’s phone receives a call or a message.


Samples are short pieces of audio taken from existing songs, recordings, or other sources and used in a new piece of music.


Score refers to the written or printed notation of a musical composition, typically showing the arrangement of notes, rhythms, and other musical elements for various instruments or voices.

Sheet Music

Sheet music is a printed or digital document that contains the musical notation for a song or piece of music.


A Single refers to a song released as a standalone recording, often with one or more additional tracks.

Song Catalog

A song catalog is a collection of songs written or owned by a songwriter, composer, or music publisher.


SoundExchange is an organization that collects and distributes digital performance royalties for artists and copyright holders when their music is played on digital platforms like streaming services, satellite radio, and internet radio.

Sound Recording

A sound recording is a reproduction of a musical performance, voice, or other sounds, typically captured and stored in formats like audio files, CDs, or vinyl records.

Split Sheet

A Split Sheet is a document used by songwriters and collaborators to detail how ownership and royalties will be divided for a specific song.

Subscription Services

Subscription services in the music industry are platforms where users pay a regular fee to access a library of music, usually through streaming.

Synchronization License

A Synchronization License is a legal agreement that grants permission to use a song in sync with visual media, such as movies, TV shows, commercials, or video games.


A trademark is a unique symbol, name, logo, or phrase that represents a brand, product, or company.

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About Us

The Mezzo Agency LLC is a global music administrative services provider founded in 2018. We offer our clients all core services involved in the release, protection and publishing of music, such as copyright registration, catalog management, licensing, royalty distribution and more.

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